The Honorable Wives of the Prophet (salalahu alaihi wa sallam)


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Description from the publisher: This book covers the following Honorable Wives of the Prophet (salalahu alaihi wa sallam): Khadijah bint Khuwailid Aishah bint Abu Bakr Sawdah bint Zam’ah Umm Habeebah bint Abu Sufyan Umm-Salamah Juwairiyah bint Al-Harith Hafsah bint Umar bin Khattab Zainab bint Khuzaimah Safiyyah bint Huyay Zainab bint Jahsh Maimoonah bint Al-Harith (Peace be upon them all)

Author: Darussalam Research Division

Publisher: Darussalam


Pages: 137


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