Category Hijab

The Rise of Modest Fashion in the West

modest fashion

The rise of modest fashion in the West has been a significant trend over the past decade. It has gained popularity among diverse groups of people, including individuals from various religious and cultural backgrounds, as well as those who appreciate…

What is a Khaleeji Abaya?

Khaleeji Persian Gulf map

A “Khaleeji” abaya is an abaya from the Khaleej region. Al-Khaleej (Arabic: الخليج) is an Arabic word which means “gulf”, i.e. the Persian Gulf or Middle East. So a Khaleeji Abaya could be an abaya from any of the seven…

The Difference Between Jilbab & Abaya

woman wearing hijab abaya jilbab

Many people use the terms “abaya” and “jilbab” interchangeability and do not realise that they are both different garments. Essentially, both the jilbab and abaya are a form of covering, known in Arabic as “hijab”- worn by Muslim women. But…

Rosie Atiyah | My Personal Abaya Story

When I first started wearing the abaya it was really hard, it was harder than wearing the niqaab. People always find it as a shock that wearing the abaya was more difficult than wearing the niqaab. People always ask me…

My Hijab and Abaya Story – Q&A

Black abaya

Thank you to everyone who read my previous blog post “My hijab and abaya Story” and sent me messages regarding their own personal abaya or hijab experience. It surprised me how similar my story is to the vast majority of…

What is the Islamic Hijab?


What is the Islamic Hijab? This question asked to the noble Sheikh Ibn Uthaimeen رحيمه الله. Here is his response: Answer: The Islamic Hijab is for the women to cover everything that is forbidden for her to expose. That is,…